Hi all, welcome to my first ever blog. I began writing it for a university assignment when I was studying primary school teaching. When I began I was a complete Web 2.0 novice. I've graduated now but I still find it useful to occasionally discuss and record my ICT 'discoveries' here. I'm doing my best to keep advancing my PC skills because I consider it an essential literacy and skill set to teach children in school. ecks

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bookmark: Twitter for teachers

I'm just (very tentatively) beginning with twitter. I want to use it for professional conversations and political participation, and follow a few of my favourite public commentators. It seems a bit full-on at the moment and I worry a bit about privacy and security.

Some useful resources:

#DUedchat 7pm thursdays, Down Under edchat

For once I have the basics down, some advanced twitter skills for teachers

Kids blogging:

Useful youtube vid about adding multiple users to edublogger

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